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I can't verify my phone number

We may occasionally ask you to verify your account with a phone number. This is done to curtail spam and to ensure spammers and violators can't create multiple accounts and abuse the system.<br><br>We only allow real cellular number and landlines to be used for phone verifications. This is because other types of numbers such as VOIPs (virtual numbers) and pre-paid numbers are very easy to create and fabricate. This feature keeps scammers out while letting only real users in. <br><br> - Please allow up to 5 minutes for the code to arrive.<br> - If the code still doesn't arrive, please re-enter your number and try again.<br> - You will only be allowed so many attempts before the system locks you out.<br><br> If you have a real cellular number but are still getting an error message when trying to verify, you can <a href="https://doublelist.com/contact/send/phone_verification/">contact us</a>.